Following a former U.S. Marine’s arrest for attempting to security-check his pistol while visiting the Empire State Building, light has been cast upon one of the Nation’s toughest gun-control laws. The Marine’s weapon...
Category: Blog
On January 10, 2012, the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, the State’s highest Court, ruled in favor of families who have lost loved ones because of the negligence of others. In Toledo v. Christo, the Court ruled...
While this article is geared towards real estate agents, we feel it is helpful for others to be aware of. With the ever-increasing importance of the internet in our day-to-day lives, scams such as the one described below, and...
As we approach the year’s end, it is not too late to do some 2011 tax planning. Please consider the following suggestions from the IRS that may be helpful. If you have questions about how these issues might apply to your...
Countless divorce clients approach me with the same concern: If I move out of the house, will it be considered abandonment? The answer is no! “Abandonment” is one of the most misunderstood concepts in divorce lingo. In...