Read Time: 2 Min

Legislative Changes Regarding Real Estate in the New Year

December 17, 2012
With the New Year on its way, and in addition to the “fiscal cliff” issues, there are a few changes that will or may arise from the Legislature that affect individual homeowners and potential buyers of real estate, and...
Read Time: 2 Min

Sobering Thoughts for Holiday Hosts

December 12, 2012
From time to time, and particularly during the holiday season, I am asked by kith and kin alike about the responsibility a homeowner has to prevent people from drinking too much at a holiday party. Concerns range from the...
Read Time: 2 Min

Where Do I Reside? Am I A New Yorker?

November 26, 2012
The issue of a person’s legal place of residence has significance in matrimonial proceedings and other legal matters affecting where you can sue or be sued or where you must pay taxes among others. Legal residence is...
Read Time: 2 Min

Social Security Disability – FAQ

November 15, 2012
Am I eligible for Social Security Disability? In order to qualify for SSD you must have worked in a job(s) covered under the Social Security System and paid Social Security taxes. By working and paying taxes, you earn Social...