Durable Power of Attorney: A Durable Power of Attorney is a legal document in which you appoint an agent to assist you with handling your financial affairs and to make financial decisions on your behalf during your...
Searching through hundreds of listings on your iPhone or your realtor’s website to find the perfect home is a time-consuming process. Once you find the perfect red-brick, 4-bed, 2-bath cape on the quiet, tree-lined...
As April 17, 2012 approaches; tax day for the 2011 Individual Income Tax, the question becomes, “file or don’t file my return?” Setting aside tax protest issues – sternly addressed by courts, this question often...
Read Time: 3 Min
April 6, 2012
The news is full of talk about President Obama wanting to repeal “The Bush Tax Cuts” for the wealthy. Also, the compromise tax law that passed at the end of 2010 is scheduled to expire or “sunset” on December 31 of...
With celebrity marriages getting shorter and shorter, especially with the news that Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries were calling it quits after only 72 days of wedded bliss, clients often ask whether their “short”...