In New York State, everybody has a plan to pass assets on their death. Without a written Will your assets will pass on by what is commonly referred to as “Intestate Distribution” or “Intestacy.” More formally by...
or at least that is how a great many people who live with pets feel – they are a part of their family. Unfortunately, the laws of this and other nations have not always reflected this same belief and have failed to protect...
Read Time: 2 Min
February 6, 2012
The Medicare Secondary Payer Statute requires that no payments for treatment or services for a beneficiary be made by Medicare when payment has been made, or can reasonably be expected to be made under a workmen’s...
Following a former U.S. Marine’s arrest for attempting to security-check his pistol while visiting the Empire State Building, light has been cast upon one of the Nation’s toughest gun-control laws. The Marine’s weapon...
On January 10, 2012, the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, the State’s highest Court, ruled in favor of families who have lost loved ones because of the negligence of others. In Toledo v. Christo, the Court ruled...