Did you know that your educational degree or professional license can be considered marital property within the meaning of the Domestic Relations Law of New York State? It’s true, if acquired during your marriage and before...
Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky and Warren Buffett have at least one characteristic in common besides their fame and fortune. All three of these men were among the best in their respective professions at anticipating what was...
Your customer list is the very heart and soul of your business. Should it fall into the hands of a competitor, your business could suffer a loss of some or its entire customer base. This can jeopardize the success if not the...
Given the current state of the world economy and recent local events, many of our clients have expressed a desire get their financial and household business matters in order. There are three basic estate planning documents...
It is becoming very common for contracts to contain a clause stating that “Any and all disputes arising under this contract will be settled by arbitration.” Arbitration is simply an agreement between parties that their...