Legal Tip of the Week: What You Need To Know About Holiday Pay and Time Off There is no Federal or New York State law requiring private employers to provide time off to employees for holidays. Employers who do provide...
Olive Tree Restaurant December 14, 2016 Attorney Kevin Mahoney will be addressing Lancaster Area Chamber of Commerce members December 14, 2016 at the Olive Tree Restaurant monthly breakfast meeting . Topic will be...
Privacy protection today can seem like a daunting task. We are so interconnected and constantly using different methods of technology that privacy protection seems like a full-time job. We have passwords to access...
With the holidays coming up, we sit down with Matrimonial and Family Law attorney, Steve Wiseman to discuss visitation. Enjoy! Listen here....
Read Time: 1 Min
December 7, 2016
Tiveron Law Attorneys at Law is pleased to announce the hiring of two new attorneys to the Tiveron Law team. Rebecca Guerra: Rebecca M. Guerra currently focuses her practice in Tiveron Law’s Estate Planning &...