Read Time: 1 Min

Damage Control

May 24, 2016
A “liquidated damages” clause in your business contract is a legal tool that can be very advantageous.   In a liquidated damages clause, the contracting parties agree in advance to an estimate of the damages...
Read Time: 3 Min

STAR Exemption Program Changes

May 16, 2016
Governor Cuomo’s 2016-17 Budget has passed, as well as the enactment of several pieces of legislation to implement the budget’s fiscal plan, resulting in the STAR exemption program undergoing some significant changes. As...
Read Time: 2 Min

The Final Rule

May 5, 2016
IRAs and 401(k)s – the technicalities of retirement funds and finance can be overwhelming. When preparing for retirement, it is not uncommon to rely on the advice and direction of an experienced financial adviser, also...
Read Time: 4 Min

Debt Collector Conduct Under the FDCPA

May 2, 2016
Hopefully, you have never received a call from a debt collector about a delinquent debt.  However, the fact is that millions of Americans have delinquent debt and interactions with debt collectors are part of their daily...