Read Time: 3 Min

Skim This Before You Fall For A TV Scam

October 27, 2015
It’s easy to be fascinated by the tempting advertising of infomercials. Taglines such as ‘Miracle Cure!’ and ‘Only $19.95!’ may make you feel that it would be foolish not to buy. While there are many reputable...
Read Time: 4 Min

The Rights That Accompany Marriage Equality

October 24, 2015
On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. In New York, same-sex couples were granted the freedom to marry in 2011. It’s important to know what rights were...
Read Time: 4 Min

Getting to Know Your Credit Score

October 19, 2015
Banks, credit card companies, and other businesses use credit scores to estimate how likely you are to pay back money you borrow. A higher score makes it easier to qualify for a loan or lower interest rates. Many scores range...
Read Time: 3 Min

S.A.V.E.D.: Five Steps for Making Financial Decisions

September 17, 2015
When making any kind of financial decision, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. You can save yourself from regret later by following the acronym SAVED: STOP for a mental break Stop and give yourself time to make a good...